
Average score 226 Reviews
Claire Gendron noted on Google

Tout est incroyable! Notamment les nouilles sautées aux légumes et porc. (Translated by Google) Everything is amazing! Especially the fried noodles with vegetables and pork.

21 days ago
Jo-Hui Allie Chiang noted on Google

24 days ago
leticia muñoz garcia noted on Google

(Translated by Google) We went with our three daughters and the food was delicious!! They do it all on the fly, exquisite! We went to order more food and he told us not to order so much because it was enough for the girls (it is always a good thing to note that they guide you) Authentic Asian food and handmade noodles!! That's right, the place is a small and somewhat shabby bar, but the food is great! (Original) Fuimos con nuestra tres hijas y la comida estaba buenísima!! Lo hacen todo sobre la marcha, exquisito! Fuimos a pedir más comida y nos dijo que igual no pidiéramos tanto que para las niñas era suficiente (siempre es algo bueno a destacar que te guíen) Auténtica comida asiática y noodles hechos a mano!! Eso si el lugar es un bar chiquitito y algo cutre, pero la comida buenísima!

27 days ago
Ronda Mélissa noted on Google

Je recommande a 100%! Ils acceptent les chiens ;) Ils sont très gentil et souriant Le restaurant est propre Les plats copieux La cuisine est faite devant nous Les nouilles sont maison Super endroit !!! ☺️ (Translated by Google) I recommend 100%! They accept dogs ;) They are very kind and smiling The restaurant is clean Hearty dishes The cooking is done in front of us The noodles are homemade Great place!!! ☺️

27 days ago
Estelle L noted on Google

29 days ago
Yash Tewari noted on Google

1 month ago
Dahavid noted on Google

Restaurant très traditionnel et chaleureux. Nourriture excellente pour le prix, les quantités sont généreuses. Le seul problème est la taille de la salle qui est assez petite et donc ne peut accueillir grand monde. (Translated by Google) Very traditional and warm restaurant. Excellent food for the price, quantities are generous. The only problem is the size of the room which is quite small and therefore cannot accommodate many people.

1 month ago
Alima Abdoul Bastoi noted on Google

Super restaurant, Le plat est copieux et super bon Les personnels sont sympathique 🥰 (Translated by Google) Great restaurant, The dish is hearty and very good The staff are friendly 🥰

1 month ago
Cynthia Hilmi noted on Google

Restaurant situé proche du Musée d'Aquitaine, la réservation est conseillée. Nous avons testé : - les nouilles au poulet croustillant (12.50€) - les nouilles aux crevettes (12.50€) - les nouilles au boeuf mijoté (12.50€) - porc sauté au poivron vert avec soja fermenté (11.50€) accompagné de nouilles fraîches maison (3.80€) Les plats etaients très bons. Bon rapport qualité/quantité/prix. (Translated by Google) Restaurant located near the Aquitaine Museum, reservation is recommended. We've tested : - crispy chicken noodles (€12.50) - shrimp noodles (12.50€) - simmered beef noodles (€12.50) - sautéed pork with green pepper and fermented soy (€11.50) accompanied by fresh homemade noodles (€3.80) The dishes were very good. Good quality/quantity/price ratio.

1 month ago
Celine Zhou noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The most authentic traditional Chinese hand-pulled noodles in Bordeaux, delicious and not expensive The noodles are chewy and the soup is delicious, great👍🏻 Wok way was once rated as the best hand-pulled noodles by newspapers and received a special interview. (Original) 波尔多最正宗的中国传统手工拉面,好吃不贵 面条筋道,汤头鲜美,赞👍🏻 Wok way 曾经被报社评价最棒的手工拉面,有受到特别采访

1 month ago

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