
Average score 226 Reviews
Thibault Delbecque noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Undoubtedly the nicest little Asian restaurant in town, with authentic food and a strong desire to come back often! (Original) Sans doute le petit restaurant asiatique le plus agréable de la ville, avec une nourriture authentique et une forte envie de revenir souvent !

1 year ago
eliotzer noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Nice little street food when leaving the room. Staff at the top. We will try different dishes and flavors throughout the summer. (Original) Petite street food sympa en sortant de la salle. Personnel au top. On testera différents plats et saveurs tout au long de l'été.

1 year ago
Bischoff Clémence noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Best lok-lak in the pool, service until late and a smiling and cheerful welcome! A motivated team that makes you want to come back the next day. To take away or on the spot, something to feast on and suit a whole table! Thanks again for this great meal. (Original) Meilleur lok-lak du bassin, service jusque tard et accueil souriant et enjoué ! Une équipe motivée et qui vous donne envie de revenir des le lendemain. A emporter ou sur place, de quoi se régaler et convenir à toute une tablée ! Merci encore pour ce super repas

1 year ago
Johanna noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Delicious dishes, homemade pasta prepared before our eyes, fast service and very reasonable prices! I highly recommend this little restaurant to know (Original) Plats délicieux, pâtes maisons préparées sous nos yeux, service rapide et prix très raisonnable ! Je recommande vivement ce petit restau a connaître

1 year ago
Jun noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I come for the famous stewed beef noodle soup. Fresh noodles made on site, it's very good 😋 I like it! (Original) Je viens pour la fameuse soupe de nouilles au bœuf mijoté. Nouilles fraîches faites sur place, c'est très bon 😋 J'aime !

1 year ago
bazaroff bertrand noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good the noodles are made to order (Original) Très bien les nouilles sont confectionner à la demande

1 year ago
yu liam noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Authentic Chinese restaurant of hand-pulled noodles before our eyes. Fast service and perfect quantities. Certainly the best noodles I have eaten in France. (Original) Restaurant chinois authentique de nouilles tirées a la main devant nos yeux. Service rapide et quantités parfaites. Certainement les meilleures nouilles que j'aie mangé en France.

1 year ago
Julian noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Lanzhou Beef Ramen est délicieux, mais je pense qu'il n'y a pas assez de viande. S'il y a plus de viande, je donnerai cinq étoiles. La vitesse de service de la nourriture montre que le patron travaille dur et que l 'attitude du service est bonne, mais il n'y a qu'un seul serveur, donc tout le monde doit être patient Lanzhou Beef Ramen is delicious, but I feel that there is not enough meat. If there is more meat, I will give five stars. The speed of serving food shows that the boss is working hard, and the service attitude is good, but there is only one waiter, so everyone has to be patient Lanzhou Beef Ramen is delicious, but I feel that there is not enough meat. If there is more meat, I will give five stars. The speed of serving food shows that the boss is working hard, and the service attitude is good, but there is only one waiter, so everyone has to be patient Lanzhou Beef Ramen is delicious, but I feel that there is not enough meat. If there is more meat, I will give five stars. The speed of serving food shows that the boss is working hard, and the service attitude is good, but there is only one waiter, so everyone has to be patient (Original) Lanzhou Beef Ramen est délicieux, mais je pense qu'il n'y a pas assez de viande. S'il y a plus de viande, je donnerai cinq étoiles. La vitesse de service de la nourriture montre que le patron travaille dur et que l'attitude du service est bonne, mais il n'y a qu'un seul serveur, donc tout le monde doit être patient Lanzhou Beef Ramen is delicious, but I feel that there is not enough meat. If there is more meat, I will give five stars. The speed of serving food shows that the boss is working hard, and the service attitude is good, but there is only one waiter, so everyone has to be patient 蘭州牛肉拉麵好吃,不過感覺肉不夠多,如果肉更多我會給五顆星。上菜速度看得出老闆在努力,服務態度不錯,不過服務生只有一位,大家得有耐心 兰州牛肉拉面好吃,不过感觉肉不够多,如果肉更多我会给五颗星。 上菜速度看得出老板在努力,服务态度不错,不过服务生只有一位,大家得有耐心

1 year ago
Léna G (Rek Em) noted on Google

1 year ago
Yuhan Li noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The noodles are very strong and very delicious (Original) 面条很劲道 非常好吃

1 year ago

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